§ 8.5. Local Government Policy Directives.  

Latest version.
  • Because Troup County finds that its historic areas are of special interest deemed desirable and necessary to conserve for present and future owners, the county shall:

    8.5-1 Incorporate into the Troup County Comprehensive Plan updates and short-term work plans, specific goals for the historic areas relative to land use, housing, community facilities, economic development and natural and historic resources;

    8.5-2 As part of such planning, have special regard for and give special attention to the design, construction and maintenance needs of public thoroughfares, pedestrian ways, open spaces, landscape elements (including trees), recreation areas and comparable amenities of the area, and prepare plans, designs, sketches and/or models proposing public improvement of these facilities and areas;

    8.5-3 Prepare special and detailed recommendations with respect to improved housing, education, employment, health, protection and other human resource requirements of the historic areas;

    8.5-4 Ensure appropriate communication among interested public agencies, and provide for the active participation by residents of the historic areas in the preparation of plan elements and program elements noted above;

    8.5-5 Designate a responsible local government official to coordinate these activities;

    8.5-6 Recommend to the county board of commissioners, by a certain date, ways and means by which the county should improve its maintenance and operating programs within the designated historic areas, if applicable; and

    8.5-7 Ensure that no county program of any kind results in adverse impacts on the designated historic areas.