§ 7.2. Appearance Standards.  

Latest version.
  • Appearance standards shall apply to all single-family detached dwellings including site-built housing, industrialized (systems-built) housing, and manufactured houses. Building permits shall be granted upon finding that such development shall meet or exceed the appearance standards as shown on table 7.2: Appearance Standards for Single-Family Detached Dwellings.

    Table 7.2: Appearance Standards for Single-Family Detached Dwellings and Offices

    Type I Type II MHP Only
    Min. Dwelling Width 24′ 12′
    Min. Roof Pitch 5/12 3/12
    Min. Heated Floor Area 1,000 HSF 720 HSF
    Roof Materials (1) N/A
    External Siding
    (2) N/A
    Permanent Foundation (3) (4)
    Utility Meter Mounted on Structure only Mounted on Pole or structure
    Landing Area (5) (5)
    Towing Devices (6) (6 & 7)



    1. The roof shall have a surface of wood shakes, asphalt composition, wood shingles, concrete, fiberglass tiles, metal tiles, slate, built up gravel materials or other materials approved by the Offices [of] Building and Inspections and Planning and Zoning of Troup County.

    2. The exterior siding materials shall consist of wood, masonry, concrete lap, stucco, masonite, metal lap, vinyl lap, or other materials of like appearance approved by the Offices of Planning and Zoning and Building and Inspections of Troup County.

    3. Permanent foundations shall meet the requirements of standard building code.

    4. For manufactured homes, a masonry curtain wall solid except for the required ventilation and access must be installed so that it encloses the area under the manufactured home to the ground level.

    5. For all homes, a landing area is required and its width and length must be greater than or equal to the width of the entrance doorway and shall have a roof on the landing in the same material as on the roof of the dwelling.

    6. Manufactured homes are required to remove all towing devices.

    7. Manufactured homes in manufactured home parks that cannot remove towing devices shall be screened by plantings and the structure shall be skirted.

    8. Manufactured offices shall have a minimum 500 heated square feet.

( Ord. No. 2010-11 , § IE., 6-1-2010)